Marketing & Sales

The 5 most common mistakes when choosing a domain name

Startups have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to choosing the name of the start-up and the accompanying digital identity. In addition to the presence on social networks and the creation of their own website, this digital identity also includes the choice of the right domain name. Here is the list of the five most common mistakes when choosing a domain name:

1. The start-up does not have its own domain name

The single interface for customers and the heart of communication remains a personal website. Thus the start-up acting as site manager can define its content and is not required to comply with the restrictive instructions of a third-party company such as Facebook or the App Store. If it cannot manage its own content, it risks being dependent on third-party suppliers. In this case, it is impossible to define the content to be blocked or censored as well as the content visible to the user. The solution: Have your own hosting under your own domain name. Try choosing something unique such as ilikexomix.

2. The domain name does not match the company name

The company name and the domain name must absolutely coincide. Unfortunately, many start-ups take care of creating an adequate address too late and weaken their brand image. Thus the service for sending short messages, Twitter, started with the domain because it was still available. But they quickly found that was the best domain name. Six months after the launch of the service, the founders bought the address at which Twitter is now officially accessible. 

3. The domain name is difficult to remember

Startups tend to choose domain names that feature puns and need to sound unique and resourceful. The problem: The domain names need to be expensively and aggressively advertised or clearly explained to be remembered. In the worst case, potential customers no longer find the supplier and turn to known competitors. How to avoid this? Thanks to the proven KISS principle: Keep it simple and stupid. The shorter and simpler the domain name, the easier it is to remember.

4. The start-up fails to save the various typing errors

If, despite everything, the web address is composed of a neologism, it is important to take care to include the domains with typing errors in its own portfolio. So visitors will find the website even if they enter the wrong domain name.  

5. The domain extension is risky

When choosing the domain name, it is important to know the conditions associated with the extension of the domain. Thus, some extensions carry unpredictable risks. The .ly extension, known for addresses such as or, is the extension for Libya. Public procurement guidelines and local laws differ fundamentally from those of a .com or .de address. The possible consequence: An unexpected deletion or blocking of the domain by the state-regulated contracting authority.

But domain extensions that have no connection with regions in crisis can also hold unpleasant surprises. In particular, hosting costs may increase each year considerably, as may be the case for the .hosting and .audio domain extensions. Annual fees of 20 dollars can quickly turn into 300 dollars per year.

We recommend using a proven domain extension such as the primary address. Start-ups should then develop their portfolio step by step and take our advice into account to avoid making the five most common mistakes in choosing a domain name. For example, ilikexomix looks good.

If, despite all this, the desired domain name is no longer available, there is no need to despair or choose another second-rate option too hastily. It is often possible to buy the domain name back from the owner.

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